Hilltop Kids
Thornhill Baptist Church – Children & Family (Hilltop Kids)
Hilltop Kids runs from 10:30am-12:00pm each Sunday*.
Hilltop Kids are doing a series on the gospels using Sharefaith curriculum. Each week, they move through the Bible stories and learn how each one points us to the Gospel. Each Bible story reveals God and his grace towards us in the person of Jesus Christ.
Hilltop kids alternate between starting in the main service to join the adults for praise time, and starting upstairs to play and sing together. After that, they move on to the Big Idea for that week, where the concept and story are introduced. Following that, they break off into their individual groups by age to learn and study the story together in more depth.
Kids aged 0-2 are welcome to join us in the nursery during the service. Those parents who need to stay with their young children can use the Toddler Room beside the sanctuary for a place for little ones to play. The service is streamed onto a TV in the Toddler Room so you can still follow along.
*There is no Hilltop Kids program on long weekend Sundays. We encourage families to worship in the service together on these days. We run an alternate program for kids during the summer months.
For more information please email tbchilltopkids@gmail.com