About Us
Thornhill Baptist Church was founded in 1953 by a small group of people who saw a need for a German language church. The original name was the German Baptist Church of Calgary, and their goal was to serve the growing community of German immigrants and to reach them with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The church grew rapidly, and moved to several locations during their first 20 years. Eventually, they bought property in Thorncliffe and built a new home on Tache Avenue in 1968, where the church has been ever since.
In the 1970’s, it became clear that the church needed to incorporate English services to reach their new community. They changed the name of the church to Thornhill Baptist Church (TBC), and began the transition to being an English language church.
Today, TBC is a church comprised of people from many different backgrounds. We strive to create a church home that feels welcoming to everyone who comes through our doors. Our service style is a mix of traditional and contemporary elements, but the very centre of all we do rests in the person of Jesus Christ.
TBC has undergone many changes, but our main purpose is still to serve our community, to love one another, and to proclaim the good news of the love of God.
In 2015, we adopted a new vision statement that captures these goals: